   " smoking is bad "  You Inhale Deadly Chemicals Smoking.

" smoking is bad " You Inhale Deadly Chemicals Smoking.


Smoking and Your Health, or is it an exaggeration? Discover the truth about how harmful smoking is to your health in this article. It's almost impossible these days to not know about the risks of smoking. Just watch the TV, go to the doctors surgery, go anywhere and you'll find posters and adverts telling you about them. But are any of these claims actually worth worrying about? Do you know what they put in cigarettes, its more than just a few things and it would be impossible to list them all here because there are more than 4000 of them.smoking is bad

10 percent of them are toxic chemicals which get broken down into toxic fumes when the cigarette gets lit, due the tip of it getting to over 700 degrees Celsius (1292 degrees Fahrenheit). Where do these toxic fumes and chemicals go, either into the surrounding (for others to enjoy) or into your lungs. So what? Does this do any harm? Tar is one of the chemicals present in cigarettes which can get into the lungs and damage the cells. If just one of the cells gets damaged in a particular way, it will not stop growing when its reached its ideal size, this is called cancer. Lung cancer's the most common for smokers but others can also occur. Will Smokers definitely get lung cancer?

 Below are the top 10 deadly chemicals you get from smoking.

1. Nicotine - Nicotine is one of the well known chemicals present in tobacco smoke. It is highly addictive and can cause a wide range of health problems, from pneumonia to more serious illnesses like lung cancer and pharyngeal cancer. Nicotine is also used in pesticides.

2. Arsenic - Arsenic is a common ingredient used to kill rodents. This causes dehydration in rats that later kills them. So before you puff those cigarette butts think of those rats that die because of dehydration.
3. Hydrogen Cyanide - Cyanide is one of the deadliest compounds in the world. Cyanide in cigarettes is almost negligible, but the amount of this compound you accumulate through the years is enough to cause irreparable damage to your system.

4. Cadmium - Cadmium is a heavy metal commonly used in batteries. Some studies show that heavy smokers have twice of this toxic metal in their body.

5. Benzene is used to manufacture other chemicals. It can cause cancer, particularly leukemia, in humans

6. Formaldehyde - Formaldehyde is a chemical used to preserve dead tissues or used in embalming. This compound is very poisonous that can cause organ and intestinal dysfunctions. Smoking is like embalming yourself while you're still alive.

7. Carbon Monoxide - Carbon Monoxide is a colorless and odorless compound and it's very deadly. It can cause asphyxiation or the process where oxygen is replaced with CO molecules. Generally, CO is a byproduct of cars and burning appliances.smoking is bad

8. Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines - 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), TSNAs are known as one of the major and most powerful carcinogens found in tobacco smoke.smoking is bad

9. Benzene - Benzene is found in gasoline and pesticides. Cigarettes contain high amount of benzene. Smoking is considered as one of the biggest factor in exposing humans to this deadly compound.smoking is bad

10. Ammonia - Ammonia is a common component of fertilizers and home cleaning products. Some studies claim that ammonia is used to increase the effect of nicotine in cigarettes. This means you get more addicted to smoking and the higher the health risks are   smoking is bad

Smokers aren’t the only ones affected by tobacco smoke. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard for nonsmokers, especially children. Cigarette smoke contains more than Nonsmokers who have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol have an even greater risk of developing heart diseases when they’re exposed to secondhand smoke.
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