Bladder Triggers:Bladder Triggers That Increase the Need To Go

Bladder Triggers:Bladder Triggers That Increase the Need To Go

If you suffer from incontinence , chances are you are looking for all possible options to help minimize episodes and improve the management and control. What follows is a look at some of the foods and drinks that can increase your need to go and how to avoid these triggers bladder to reduce accidents and leaks.Too much liquid is not the problem. Too little perhaps. If you are reducing your fluids then your urine can become very concentrated and irritate the bladder , to feel the urge to go more often to you. Be careful when your fluid intake occurs , for example , do not drink much just before bed , but stay hydrated.Alcohol. Alcohol is a trigger of the bladder. It is a dehydrating agent that increases the amount of urine. This will lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom. In addition , alcohol can make it harder for the brain to signal the bladder you need to go , leading to more accidents and leaks.Sour cream . Aged cheese and other dairy cream can cause severe symptoms in people with an overactive bladder. Imitation, unaged , and less fat is better .Condiments. Many condiments contain ingredients that are irritating to the bladder. Avoid mustard, soy , vinegar , hot
sauce , ketchup, mayo and all can aggravate the bladder.Caffeine. Caffeine, such as coffee , tea , energy drinks , cola and other drinks containing caffeine stimulates the bladder, and act as a diuretic. Chocolate does the same thing . Eating or drinking caffeine means that you will produce more urine , and feel the need to go more often. Slow down , avoid , or wean yourself off of it, because it is also addictive in nature and your body can develop a tolerance to it , forcing you to take more caffeine to get the desired effecs .Acidic foods . Citrus , tomatoes, pineapple. The acids in citrus , pineapple, tomatoes , citrus fruits and juices can irritate the bladder and increase the urge to go .Many fruits . Citrus yes, but other fruits like bananas , grapes and apples can also irritate the bladder.Cranberries. While cranberries can help prevent urinary tract infections , they are acidic and can increase the risk of accidents with someone with an overactive bladder. Again , acidic foods increase the urge to go .Carbonation. Carbonation can irritate the bladder , causing problems of overactive bladder . Sparkling drinks are like the double whammy , both with alcohol and carbonation trigger bladder .Spicy foods. Spicy foods can irritate your bladder , it does not mean you have to eat bland foods , but you must know how much spice you can tolerate before your bladder is irritated.Sugar. Artificial sweeteners can trigger bladder symptoms .Raw onions . If you like onions, cook raw unions can cause or irritate the bladder.Artificial flavors and preservatives. Basically, avoid processed foods such as MSG , additives and others can irritate the bladder .Pay attention to what you eat, and take a balanced approach . Just because something is a trigger does not mean it should be avoided completely , just be careful how irritating foods bladder and triggers that you consume in a given day
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